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Image de Todd DeSantis


"Make yourself a priority"

Coaching is a personalized support for change that consists of highlighting ​ the greatness of people. It is ultimately the art of helping a person find its own solutions. 

Coaching can be used for all areas of your life. The sessions are based on an objective. The programs are built over several weeks or months, according to your needs. 

My coaching is based on the following values. If you share the same values and you feel ready to move forward in your life, it means that we are made to work together. 

My values


Together, we will create a safe space of kindness. A space that will be dedicated to you and during which you will be able to feel safe. 

It is important to begin by giving yourself kindness. During the coaching sessions, we will work on your internal discourse and eliminate all these negative thoughts that accompany you on a daily basis. It's important to approach the sessions in a positive way in order to see real change.  


To start your coaching journey, you need determination and the desire to invest in yourself and get to know yourself. Between each session, personal work to do is essential to see the results. You have a deep desire to see the changes and to connect with the person you want to be and embody.


I make it a point of honor to recognize the work provided by my clients. It's important that you do too. Recognizing all the way traveled will help you move forward and be proud of yourself. Every victory, transformation, change is fabulous. Together we will learn to celebrate and congratulate each other.   

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